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Cenu Evropské unie pro kulturní dědictví uděluje nezávislá mezinárodní porota složená z předních odborníků. V letošním roce bylo vybíráno mezi sto šedesáti projekty, cenu získalo dvacet devět nejvýznamnějších počinů.

The construction carried out by the GEMA ART GROUP received an award for architectural design and received a nomination for the Building of the Year of the Central Bohemian Region 2020

The project “Fire Department and Technical Services in Líbeznice” led by GEMA ART GROUP was awarded the title of “Award for Architectural Solution” in the Special Awards of the Building of the Year of the Central Bohemian Region 2020. The building was nominated for “Building of the Year 2020 “, being one of the seven most successful projects from a total of 27 registered buildings and constructions.