Jewish Synagogue, Nová Cerekev near Pelhřimov, Czech Republic 2014_en, Realized projects, The Vysočina Region
Garden Wall of the Museum of Decorative Arts Complex, Praha – Old Town, Czech Republic 2012_en, Prague, Realized projects
Reconstruction of nursery school building in Revoluční Street, Prague – Old Town, Czech Republic 2012_en, Prague, Realized projects
Castle Ohrada in Hluboká nad Vltavou, Czech Republic 2012_en, Realized projects, South Bohemian Region
Education Centre Na Karmeli in Mladá Boleslav, Czech Republic 2007_en, Central Bohemia Region, Realized projects
Rezidence velvyslance USA (Restaurování exteriéru), Praha 6 – Bubeneč 2007_en, Prague, Realized projects